About Our Company
The vision of Far Peaks Consulting is “Helping you pick the mountain, helping you summit.”
Why do we do it – our mission
We leave our space better than how we found it - by sharing a lifetime of lessons in using leadership to make a difference.
What we do
We Socratically teach actionable leadership.
Why should we work together? WIFY
We are pragmatic – we are neither academics nor theoreticians.
We have a lifetime of leadership experience in for-profits, not-for-profits and government.
We get results.
How do we do it – our philosophy
Pronouns matter – we use “we” a lot!
We’re roped together – in success and failure
We don’t do the obvious or the easy
We take responsibility for our actions.
Our Books
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“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”
Winston Churchill